The Relationship Between Social Support and Academic Stress Among Students in The Yogyakarta Region


  • Dhea Cahya Lintang Universitas Respati Yogyakarta
  • Wahyu Rochdiat Murdhiono Universitas Respati Yogyakarta
  • Nur Khasanah Universitas Respati Yogyakarta
  • Herliana Riska Third Diploma in Midwifery, Faculty of Vocational Schools, Sebelas Maret University, Surakarta, Indonesia
  • Hamzah Hamzah Universitas Respati Yogyakarta



social support, stress, student


A preliminary study from several universities in Yogyakarta found that 54.2% of students are often at risk of experiencing stress. The presence of social support is expected to reduce the level of academic stress experienced by students.  This research contributes to raising awareness and gaining further support from universities to address the stress faced by students. This research was conducted in Yogyakarta Province, Indonesia, with 236 students as respondents, using the Slovin formula (significance level α=5%). The validity testing technique used by the researcher is the Bivariate Pearson correlation (Pearson Product-Moment). The results show that the stress experienced by students falls into the moderate to severe category, while the social support they receive is categorized as low. Bivariate analysis reveals that the determining factor influencing the increase in academic stress is social support (p-value=0.000, RP=6.041). This research found a significant relationship between low social support and high levels of academic stress. Universities need to strengthen their social support programs, including counseling services and support groups, to provide a holistic approach to assisting students in managing academic stress.


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