Team editorial work guidelines
The editorial ensures that the following components have been fulfilled by the author, the following components must be fulfilled by the author:
- Full article manuscripts must use English writing
- The file sent by the author must be in the file type Ms. word
- Citations must use Bibliography applications, such as Mendeley reference or Zotero
- The author must cite at least 1 article from previously related articles from article sources that have been published on JKRY
- The author has sent the results of a plagiarism check on his article, with a value of less than 30%
- If these components are not fulfilled then send them back to the author, and give comments to complete which components are not fulfilled.
- If all of the above components are met, then continue the editorial process to select a reviewer. Comment on the reviewer to complete the review in a maximum of 2 weeks.
- Check back at OJS if the reviewer has sent the revised results, check the reviewer's conclusions, and decide to continue proofreading, and layout to the admin.